Alright, I guess I'm back.. :-)


  1. Wow! Narrow depth of field. Good one. Used a preset such as macro mode?

    Welcome back!

  2. Thanks Ramanadh! Sorry I never replied to your email with comments. Thanks for the email, I have been checking your and your friends fotos since then, apart from your blog. You have wonderful pictures but my favorite is the "winter surise" from your arkansas trip. Reg the foto, Yes it is narrow depth of field, and it has to be, coz I was using 50 mm prime lens at F/2.8. I generally don't use preset modes, I generally shoot in aperture priority if not in manual.

  3. Beautiful colors and nice composition!


Creative Commons License
Important Note: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License. You can copy and share the photos provided you attribute the work to us. You may use the photos for non-commercial purposes, but with prior permission from us. Altered and transformed work based on the photos may be distributed under same or similar license.
Archive: 201220112010200720062005
People: Pavan, Chetana
Camera: Canon 5D, Canon 20D
Lens: 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5, 35mm f/2, 70-200mm f/4L, Minolta MD 50mm f/1.4, Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6
Flash: Speedlite 430EX
Previous Gear: Canon 30D w/ 50mm f/1.8, Nikon d50 w/ 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5, 50mm 1.8